Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Well the New Year is here. Going to be great I know it will. OK I'm dreaming again this year properly will be much the same as last. But we can always hope. We will have the ups and down just like always. Not knowing what lays around the corner is part of life. It would be very boring it it was always the same. I have lots of plans and many projects in mind for this year but will I get to all of them? I don't expect so I don't work that fast. But I will get some of them done. Some things are decorating, like the boys bedroom that's a must. it drives me crazy to even go in there. But I'm not looking forward to even starting on it as the first thing is to get it cleaned out. the stuff they keep under their beds will take some work, then it's getting to the walls to paint them. We have wood flooring to lay in there. Now Chris is potty trained we can do it. I have many ideas for their room but it has to be user friendly for both of the boys and easy for them to keep clean. Did I just say for them to keep it clean? that will make a change.
I want to do so many craft and Art things this year I just don't know were to start first. I want to start and finish things for a change so I need to be sure what I do will end up completed. OH! we have a big project this spring it is not easy or the kind of thing I like doing and that is the back yard. Well what used to be the back yard until the Saint's turned it in to their world of mud. which half ends up in the house. I have come up with splitting the yard up some areas for us some for them let them have a place to have fun with out destroying the whole thing. I want to fence of a area for them. OK I could just put up a chain fence and call it a day. But that not me I always have the big ideas that cost money and is way more work then we want. But it will look nice if I can pull it off. The hard work is one thing but the cost well I think it will have to be done in parts. Get the dogs area done then come up with the money to put in a patio area and some grass, yes we have none left. but we have all the mud we need. Right now it's just all in my head were it will stay until it warms up a bit. Even down south it does get cold! I take a lot of heat about complaining about the cold in the winter down here, but if you live in a area that gets very hot in the summer you feel the cold when it comes. We been warned there may be snow next week the kids will love that but I don't expect it to come to much.
Well time to get to bed I still have a rotten head cold which drives me crazy, My eyes waters, my nose runs and my head hurts but hay just a cold it will go when it ready. I'm not like some, run of to bed at the first sign of an illness I have kids to look after, pets to care for and even if I didn't I never been one to whine about things like that.
Anyway hope everyone that stops by has a wonderful new year. Be back when I have something to say.
Ok And hope you all like the new back ground I worked my butt off doing it and the header. OK it wasn't that hard. But no one pinch it please I'm tired of seeing my stuff turning up on other peoples blogs if you want one ask I will make one just for you.
Oh and I would love to get a Hi from you all let me know what on your mind.
Keep smiling it may never happen.

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